As aulas e atividades na Escola Internacional de Alphaville são planejadas para que a aprendizagem seja significativa e que os alunos tenham interesse e entusiasmo para aprenderem cada vez mais! Veja os depoimentos de alunos, ex-alunos e nossa equipe sobre as experiências únicas e encantadoras e as oportunidades que o bilinguismo promove e o ambiente amoroso e acolhedor da Escola Internacional de Alphaville.
The classes and activities at Escola Internacional de Alphaville are planned to ensurethat learning is significant, and that students are self propelled by their interest andenthusiasm for learning more and more! Take some time to read what our formerstudents, current students and staff say about their unique and enthralling experienceshere at the school, and learn more about the breadth of opportunities that bilingualism,in the context of a caring and welcoming environment, can offer students at Escola Internacional de Alphaville.