Our teachers and staff are highly qualified professionals who are dedicated to nurturing a caring and compassionate education. We understand the intricacies of bilingual education and inclusion into school culture, but beyond this our staff and teachers participate in a diverse range of professional learning and development moments to ensure perfect alignment throughout the school.
Culture at Escola Internacional de Alphaville is represented by the articulation of solid values that permeate the behaviour and decision making process of all of the citizens who form the nation of Escola International.
Aside from technical skills and competencies, we consider a welcoming and caring approach to education to be an invaluable asset that must be acknowledged by all our teachers and staff members.
They are not English language classes. They are classes in the English language.
As a bilingual school, it is crucial that our teachers who use English as the medium of instruction not only master the language, but possess total resourcefulness in order to successfully transmit concepts and knowledge via the content areas in English. It's not about the teaching of English, it's about teaching in English!
Our teachers from Kids to High School who are responsible for the English curriculum, hold high-end English language proficiency certificates from the University of Cambridge English. Teachers are given incentives to broaden and deepen their studies in order to foster the development of healthy, additive bilingualism. Our students progressively grow in not only their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, but also in their critical thinking skills with the same natural ability as they would in their mother tongue.
The Escola Internacional de Alphaville mission statement was conceived with the firm belief that driving content into students just to pass an exam does not amount to real learning.