We know that we are on the right path with our pedagogical project when we look at the trajectory of our former students. At the conclusion of High School, they embark on their journey to university life confident of their own potential and secure with the choices they make. They are full of energy and ready to leave their mark on the world in the most positive manner. They are ready and prepared to contribute to a better future. This is the direct result of our welcoming, caring and holistic approach to education, replete with lifelong learning experiences collected along their schooling journey.
Our most valuable heirloom as educators is to provide our students with the capacity to make significant choices in a conscious manner. For we believe that our approach to teaching and learning is core to the construction of the self-awareness that enables our students to progress through life sustained by their own beliefs and values.
We are profoundly moved by the personal, academic and professional achievements of all our former students, and we are honoured to affirm that upon leaving Escola Internacional de Alphaville, they are well prepared for the world. It is with great pride that we acknowledge the success of former students who have studied, or are currently studying at renowned public and private universities in Brazil or abroad - the world for them is an ocean of possibilities to wade through. Moreover, we applaud the achievements and success of those former students who chose to become entrepreneurs. The impressive results they achieve reinforces our belief in the unique education that we offer.
Beyond the intellectual preparation essential for dealing with the challenges of academic and professional life, our former students are recognised by institutions and organisations for attributes that we highly value such as, caring, team player, engaged, respectful, self-confident, perseverance and reflective. This fills us with pride and the sensation that we have successfully accomplished our mission!
Formada em 2003 na Escola Internacional de Alphaville, Nayara de Melo Matyas cursou Direito e Contabilidade na Universidade de São Paulo- USP. Hoje trabalha como advogada tributária no Banco Itaú.
Formado em 2003 na Escola Internacional de Alphaville, Pedro Ivo Barreto Zabeu, graduado em Economia na Universidade de São Paulo- USP, é um empresário bem-sucedido no mundo dos negócios.
Thalyta Cristina de Carvalho, formada em 2003, cursou Filosofia na Universidade de São Paulo, já atuou como professora de Filosofia na própria Escola Internacional de Alphaville e atualmente mora na Bélgica, onde aprimora seus estudos na área.
Léa Vidigal Medeiros, formada em 2004 na Escola Internacional de Alphaville, cursou Direito no Largo São Francisco – Universidade de São Paulo- USP e hoje advoga para o escritório Ernesto Tzirulnik.
Fernando Oliveira Sierra, formado em 2005 na Escola Internacional de Alphaville, que cursou Direito no Largo São Francisco - Universidade de São Paulo, hoje é advogado do conceituado escritório Lautenschlager Romeiro e Iwamizu Advogados.
Victor Augusto, formado em 2005 na Escola Internacional de Alphaville, cursou Medicina na Faculdades de Ciências Médicas de Santos – UNILUS, e hoje é cirurgião-geral do Hospital Santa Marcelina.
Gabriel Dalle Lucca Houch formou-se em 2013 na Escola Internacional de Alphaville e atualmente cursa Engenharia Química na Arizona State University.
Leonardo Dalle Lucca Houch formou-se em 2014 na Escola Internacional de Alphaville atualmente cursa Business na Arizona State university.
Maria Victoria Marchelli formou-se em 2006 na Escola Internacional de Alphaville, cursou Arquitetura na Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado e hoje faz doutorado na University Central of Flórida.